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Analyzing .csv data

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:12 am
by astarck
How can I use the absolute values in the .csv to plot brain wave activity? Are the absolute numbers meaningful in themselves, or must I transform them somehow before plotting a given brain wave type over time?

Re: Analyzing .csv data

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 10:06 pm
by James
Tom from interaxon explains it pretty well here: ... and-powers

Regarding plotting them, if you're using excel, you can actually just select the top left cell and press the graph button, then accept all the defaults. This will plot each sensors data over time.

However to recreate what you see in my app, I would recommend that you first create columns of average values, taking the average out the values for each sensor (FP1,FP2,TP9,TP10) and then plot that as the "Average Alpha" etc.