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EEGlab and or Processing geeks?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:17 pm
by sdcurtin23
Any EEGlab and Muse geeks out there? I'm getting started on it as part of my QEEG training and certification. Running it on the online version of Matlab, that works well, attempting to import some files recorded from my Muse and the Mind Monitor app. I also have some Processing code working to respond to OSC messages, apparently early versions of Muse software was written in Processing.

So far I've modded the mmimport script so that it creates a separate table for the raw data,
since there's no point importing the FFT analysis outputs into EEGlab, it does its own FFT analysis.
I just emailed that file to James.
Does someone have a channel map file that's been tweaked for Muse?
When trying to import I keep getting the error "Unable to concatenate the table variables
'OriginalVariableNames' and 'Var1', because their types are cell and double.,"

Best, Steve